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Author Archives: Sharon Dale

Late SBA Covid19 update 19th Nov 2021

Hi Rupo families,

We received a late SBA Covid19 update last night as follows:

** No masks (must carry one)

** No restrictions on people numbers

** Follow Entry/Exit directions

** Club volunteers are checking QR and double vax evidence

** Please be kind!

Gisborne courts are under Macedon Shire Council rules – anyone older than 12 years and 2 months must be double vaxxed

All courts in Sunbury are under Hume Shire Council – anyone aged 16+ must be double vaxxed (let your Coach know if not ASAP)

As we all know, restrictions are subject to change

Regards, Rupo Committee

Basketball update

From Basketball Victoria

Please see the below statement from Basketball Victoria about the potential restart.

As we eagerly anticipate a return to basketball across the state in the next few weeks, we know associations and clubs are busy preparing as best they can to get people on the court as safely and quickly as possible.

There are a number of questions surrounding a return to the court including any vaccination requirements.

The health and safety of basketball participants, coaches, officials, volunteers and staff members is important to us at Basketball Victoria as we return to sport.

Throughout the last two years we have followed the Restricted Activity Directions, issued by the Chief Health Officer and recommendations of Sport and Recreation Victoria, VicSport and other industry bodies to ensure the safety of our members and their families.

The Victorian Government is yet to confirm if those eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine will need to show they are fully vaccinated to play, coach, officiate or attend any basketball venue and which age groups it applies too (ie 12+ or 16+), however we anticipate that this will be the requirement for the foreseeable future and hope to have detailed information in the next week.

We understand there may be administrative and logistical challenges with the management of a vaccination policy and we are advocating to have clear and simple protocols for the community to adhere to. There are currently trials of technology and process underway in some regional areas of Victoria. Individuals can verify their vaccination status through the updated Medicare Express and Services Victoria apps where the vaccination certificate can be saved, ready to show it upon entry to a venue.

Step by step instructions on how to verify your vaccination status can be found here: https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/get-your-covid-19…

We encourage all Victorians who are currently eligible to receive a vaccine to book an appointment and get vaccinated to help get everyone back on court as soon as possible.

We will have a further update around vaccination requirements and the return to sport as soon as available.

Free online skills sessions – Wed 8th Sept

AUSSIE HOOPS AND FPP, thanks to Basketball Victoria

Australian representative Maddie Garrick is running a FREE online Zoom basketball skills session tomorrow Wednesday 8th September 2021.

There are two sessions for kids aged between 6-13.

To register, email your child’s name & age group to maddiegarrickcoaching@gmail.com – limited places available!

Sessions will include a fun warmup, followed by basketball fundamentals and finishing with a big group chat!

Return to basketball


“As lockdown continues to be extended, SBA have made the decision to extend our season until the end of December.

Grand Finals will be on the 18th of December (2-week finals series). This will mean we will have an extended Winter 2022 season. 

** Please note that Flight Path Program & Senior Domestic will mirror this **”

To our Rupo families:

As you know, the SBA put pressure on all the clubs of the Sunbury Basketball Association organise teams for the Summer Season to start in Term 4 of 2021.  

Each club has a committee who help organise their teams, and we are so thankful to the families who got back to our Rupertswood Basketball committee so quickly –  we were able to submit teams by the extended deadline of August 28th.

We understand that COVID19 has caused the season to fragment, and that not all games were played due to various restrictions and lockdowns.

Last week, the SBA notified us of 2 remaining options to decide on:

1.       To END the season, and restart in Term 4.   or
2.       Extend till December, and have a grand final on 18th December – have another long winter season starting in 2022.

As a committee, Rupo hoped that we could all start fresh in Term 4….. at this stage it is not to be.

Lockdown will continue at least until September 23rd (School holidays), and new season to start in 2022…..


Rupertswood Basketball Committee

Return to Sport – 11 August Update

The Victorian Government, on advice from the Department of Health, has extended the lockdown restrictions for Greater Melbourne with these measures to remain in place until at least 11:59pm, Thursday 19 August. 


Greater Melbourne 
In line with Victorian Government health directives, basketball in Greater Melbourne will be remain at the RED-0 REACTIVATION LEVEL as per the Basketball Victoria Return to Sport Guidelines. 

Regional Victoria 
In line with Victorian Government health directives, associations in Regional Victoria remain at the ORANGE-50 REACTIVATION LEVEL within Basketball Victoria’s Return to Sport Guidelines. 

We remain in close communication with the Department of Health and Sport and Recreation Victoria (SRV) to ensure indoor basketball can reactivate as quickly as possible following the current restrictions.  

We appreciate your understanding and patience throughout these difficult times.  

Please review the Return to Sport Guidelines for further information.  

For more information about current COVIDSafe settings and the vaccination program, please visit www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au

Best Regards,

Nick Honey
Basketball Victoria CEO

Resuming training Wednesday 28th July

Hi all,

After Covid restrictions have been eased somewhat, we can now resume basketball training tomorrow night (Wednesday 28th July) but with no parents allowed in the stadium.

Please wear a mask and sign in and also use the QR codes to check in.

Please respect the rules as we just want to see your children back out and active again.

Please forward this information onto all of your players.

Thank you!

Rupertswood Basketball Club 🏀🏀🏀

Still no basketball….

Unfortunately, there is still no basketball this weekend due to extended Covid restrictions still in place by the State Government.

All SBA basketball is postponed until further notice.🙁

Stay safe everyone 🏀🏀🏀

No basketball this weekend

NEWS from SBA:

Unfortunately we are entering another lockdown.

As of midnight tonight, we will be stopping all basketball activities.

Please if you are unwell get tested.

Please follow the rules that are implemented upon our return.

The delta variant moves so fast.

The SBA would like to thank all the volunteers from all the clubs that help with covid marshalling and we will be requiring assistance again on the return so we can play.

Note: there will also be no training on Monday 19th July 2021 as lockdown isn’t scheduled to end until midnight Tuesday 20th July at this stage.

We are back this week!

SBA Members, we are back this week!

After the latest restrictions we can still only hold 300 per venue.

Unfortunately we are going to have to stick with our 1 spectator per player rules for Flight Path and domestic this weekend.

This will also mean that we will have to have BSO (Covid Marshal) at our venues on Saturday. We appreciate all our volunteers who make game days possible. If you would like to help out, please contact your club Junior Delegate (Neale Fleming for Rupo).

Everyone who enters the venue needs to sign in using the QR codes. This includes players, spectators, coaches, staff. If people cannot sign in using the QR codes than we will have sign in sheets at all venues.

Everyone who enters will need to sanitise.

Everyone over the age of 12 will need to wear a mask when in the venue. Players can remove the mask when playing but need to put it on when entering and exiting the facility.

1 spectator per player: Dependent children allowed however must be accompanied by an adult.

Social distance: Please maintain 1.5m between people from different households when possible.

Teams need to leave immediately after their games. Team talks are to be done outside. BSO to enforce this.Flight

Path Program:- Starts back up tomorrow night (13/07/21). Check fixtures here: https://www.playhq.com/…/tuesday-u10-fpp/5f6df127/R11

Aussie Hoops: – Starts back up tomorrow night (13/07/21). If you are yet to register you can do so here: https://aussiehoops.basketball/find-a-program/ Just search 3429 to find our programs.

Junior Domestic: – Starts back up this Saturday (17/07/21). Check fixtures here: https://www.playhq.com/…/sunbury…/winter-2021/4c3724e3

Senior Domestic: – Starts back up tomorrow night (13/07/21). Check fixtures here: https://www.playhq.com/…/senior-domestic…/6598707d ** Cash payments will only be accepted in rounds 18 & 19. Teampay MUST be used by all teams as of Round 20 (28th/29th of July). If you require more information please speak to your Senior Delegate. **

Covid procedures for Domestic games this weekend

SBA notice about Covid rules for Domestic basketball:

With the current restrictions, we will be running Basketball this weekend with the following restrictions:

1 spectator per player

Masks must be worn indoors and are a condition of entry

Social distancing must be adhered to

Bio Security Officers’s will be required for games to run. NO BSO, we cancel games. Please contact your club if you want to help out and get the kids back on the court. We need volunteers for this.

Government QR codes must be used before entering venues.

After this round we will break for school holidays returning on the 17th of July for the last term of the long winter season.

Senior domestic will return after the holidays.

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